DDH Software, LLC Making a big world smaller

Life or Something Like It

Author:Ravindra Prasad [Send Author Email]

July 12, 2004
July 06, 2009
Description:A set of linked tables to track many of the sorts of things you need to know (phone numbers, passwords, car info, dog vet records, etc.). This started out when I tried Brian H Maskell's "My Life". But that set of tables was just too much. I either modified or recreated several of those tables, and added my own. I also added a slightly modified version of C. Zwolinski's "Blood Donations" applet. July 2009: No real changes since original posting, except a bug fix to the Secrets database (replace the original L_SecretInfo.pdb file with the new one; leave the password blank and hit OK to open the db).
Has Data:No
Has Forms:Yes
Sorting:Varies; for the Journal, JournalCategories, and People subtables, leave the sort order alone (for relationships).
Comments:The main table is Life. Unless you share your Palm, you will only have 1 record here - yours. When you add a record, use the configure button to add information and set this up.
Version:HanDBase v.3.0x or greater
File:life_or_something_like_it.zip          Downloads: This Month 0 / Total* 3825
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename life_or_something_like_it.zip when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Ravindra Prasad

12/26/2006 Anesthesia Case_Log 12/26/06 [Medical]
Comprehensive case log for anesthesiologists. Tracks patient information, procedures done, complications, postops, and a whole lot more! Lots of data is already provided, to facilitate picking from lists. This is a work in progress ... additions/comments are welcome! Version: 1.4, 2/20/04 For the search engine: case log, postop log, case tracker, anesthesiology, anesthesia, anaesthesia, anaesthesiology

04/20/2005 Letter Head Calculator [Entertainment]
Calculates word point values for the Letter Head game (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/783), from Atlas Games (http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG1230.php). A good word game - don't let the horrible picture on the box-cover scare you off!