DDH Software, LLC Making a big world smaller

Accident Report Recording

Author:Bill Spencer [Send Author Email]

April 27, 2003
Description:UK standard accident book clone database. It is usefull for keeping a consolidated record from several locations so that appropriate follow up action can be taken. NOTE it does not replace the legal requirement to keep an accident book on site. Fields can be linked to a locations and personnel lists if needed.
Has Data:Yes
Has Forms:No
Filters:Workplace, dates, RIDDOR, people
Sorting:Workplace, dates, RIDDOR, people
Reports:Non other than reporting on filtered results
Comments:Very handy if you are reporting on to say a board of mangement for a number of sites. If on a handheld machine it should be passworded for complience with Data Protection Act
Version:HanDBase v.3.0x or greater
File:accident_book.pdb          Downloads: This Month 4 / Total* 1758
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename accident_book.pdb when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Bill Spencer

12/28/2000 Health & Safety Risk Assesor [Technical]
A risk assessment database for business or social use. It prioritises and scores 'risks' together with costs so that decisions can be taken

01/10/2002 SPICE [Food and Drink]
Common herbs and spices with listing of the foods they have empathy with. Great for trying new mixes of herbs and spices with foods

01/10/2002 Gardens [Fun]
A listing of plants to provide evening and night scent in your garden, with some additions that will attract bats (because of insect activity). I plan to extend this soon to include many more selections

02/10/2002 Health & Safety risk assessor [Technical]
A risk assessment database for business or social use. It prioritises and scores 'risks' together with costs so that decisions can be taken. It is an update of record 667 after user feedback