DDH Software, LLC Making a big world smaller

Postage Stamp Log v.2.0

Author:Bruce Alen Klaiss [Send Author Email]

July 04, 2002
Description:For an updated version, see Stamp Log v. 3.1 below. Includes relational links!
Has Data:No
Has Forms:No
Sorting:Pre-designated sort: Country, Prefix, Scott No. (all ascending)
Comments:My goal in revising this database is to get the maximum amount of vital data into both the database and on one screen in the desktop, thus reducing the amount of scrolling done on both desk and handheld platforms. Less scrolling means less work, and a more pleasant environment for both working and reading. (A desirable goodie would be to allow changable layout on the destop screen instead of simply top to bottom. DDH design kuve, read this!) Cogent comments are welcome to the above address, as always.
Version:HanDBase v.2.7x or greater
File:stamp_log.pdb          Downloads: This Month 19 / Total* 1130
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename stamp_log.pdb when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Bruce Alen Klaiss

06/08/2002 Videotape Catalogue [Entertainment]
A tool for keeping track of all your videotapes, if your collection gets over 10 tapes or so. Indexes on title, series, category, tape number, start index (time or numeric), & 3 note-type comment areas (expandable or removable as desired).

07/04/2002 Postage Stamp Tracker [Miscellaneous]
For an updated version of this applet, see Stamp Log v. 3.1 below.