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Radiology Data for Teaching File FINDINGSDB

Author:Paul Marsh, D.O. [Send Author Email]

January 28, 2002
Description:This database will be called by the Radiology Teaching File which is also on the gallery for download. It takes both to tango. Since it's not patient sensitive, this one does have some data..about 575 findings on which to build.
Has Data:Yes
Has Forms:No
Filters:Please see the radiology teaching file for more. These two programs together will let you throw away your spiral notebooks or whatever else you use to keep track of interesting radiolgy cases.(that is, if you haven't already lost it.) :)
Comments:I recommend you use backup software such as backup buddy, or something similar, because unless the new versions of Palm OS have changed--not all files get backed up. Also I'll put in a plug here for the ACR syllabus index, which is merely an index to the ACR's wonderful text collection, also found on the gallery...
Version:HanDBase v.2.7x or greater
File:findingsdb.pdb          Downloads: This Month 43 / Total* 2368
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename findingsdb.pdb when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Paul Marsh, D.O.

08/30/2000 American College of Radiology Syllabus Index [Medical]
An electronic table of contents for the ACR's self education syllabus, including all currently available books from volume 1 to 46.. 1045 entries, 89Kb.

01/28/2002 Radiology Teaching File [Medical]
Bare bones entry screens let you maintain an "interesting case log" from which cases can be pulled for lectures, conferences, submission for papers or texts or the like. You enter the name, and punch in the id# on the screen/keypad, most of the rest of the info comes from selecting popups, or is cross referenced in FINDINGSDB, which you must also download from this site for this puppy to work. If the findings aren't already in there, then you enter them,,BUT ONLY ONCE..instead of writing them over and over in a spiral notebook, only to loose (how many??) spiral notebooks over the years. With this program, you can filter by date,area, exam, modality, or whatever for types of cases you would like to present. You may then read the list to your fileroom or jet off a copy of the filtered database through an IR adapter to a laserprinter. Your cases get pulled and you're off. I have nearly 1200 cases on mine and it takes up a pitiful 209Kbytes. We're not talkin' about entering images here--but the ability not to loose your valuable cases, and wear 2000cases on your belt???priceless.