DDH Software, LLC Making a big world smaller

Medical Expenses

Author:Curt Antos [Send Author Email]

March 23, 2009
April 25, 2009
Description:I developed this to track my medical expenses for tax purposes. Additionally it tracks insurance payments in the event you have maximums... especially for dental.
Has Data:No
Has Forms:Yes
Reports:Added two reports: MedExpenses - full report MedExpensesTab - table report
Version:HanDBase v.4.x Enhanced or greater
File:medicalexpenses.zip          Downloads: This Month 51 / Total* 2173
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename medicalexpenses.zip when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Curt Antos

02/22/2003 Vehicle Cost & Mileage [Automobiles]
Database to provide fuel economy and cost information, not only from fill up to fill up, but also for a total cost of operation.

05/06/2003 PC Inventory [Reference]
This database is used to record software and hardware purchases. It is especially designed to maintain a record of version upgrades for the PDA. If using the form, most of the fields are labeled. Included under notes is an update date. There are also a number of drop down fields. Included: HB1PCInventory_HDF.pdb (HanDBase 3 form) HB2Links.pdb (manufacturers and resellers) HB1PCInventory.pdb (main database) A few sample records are included.

12/12/2008 Expenses [Travel]
This database was developed to track my expenses and reimbursements on business trips on my iPhone. I have also created a form for the desktop which is compatible with the Palm OS format.

12/12/2008 Itinerary 2008 [Travel]
This database was developed to track my business trips and family travel on my iPhone. I have also created a form for the desktop which is compatible with the Palm OS format.

12/12/2008 Travel Checklist 2008 [Travel]
This database was developed to build travel packing lists on my iPhone. I have also created a form for the desktop which is compatible with the Palm OS format.

12/12/2008 Wine Inventory 2008 [Miscellaneous]
This database was developed to track my wine inventory on my iPhone. I have also created a form for the desktop which is compatible with the Palm OS format.

04/25/2009 PCInventory2009 [Reference]
This is the updated version of my PC software inventory database, which includes fields for the iPhone. PCDirectory is a setup as a DBPopUp and not a linked database. I have also created a form for the desktop which is compatible with the Palm OS format.