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Gutermann Thread DB

Author:Kate [Send Author Email]

January 05, 2015
Description:A list of all colors of Gutermann's all purpose thread as of January 2015. Fields include color number, color name, qty on hand, need more and color family. The color family is not necessarily right, just approximate from their data.
Has Data:Yes
Has Forms:No
Filters: Default view would be good if you were at the store trying to decide if you already had a color that was close enough or if you needed one to purchase. Shopping view filters to show items that you've checked as needing more.
Sorting:Color family sorting is good if you're wondering if you have any purple thread. Numerical order (default view) is good if you know what thread you have, in the store they're sorted by color number rather than name so numerical order makes it easier to see what the color you already have looks like when you're shopping.
Comments:Good for sewing (sewers, seamstresses, tailors) and quilting (quilters) to avoid buying colors you already have.
Version:HanDBase v.4.x Enhanced or greater
File:gutermann_thread.pdb          Downloads: This Month 27 / Total* 1423
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename gutermann_thread.pdb when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

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