DDH Software, LLC Making a big world smaller

Seizure LOG 1.2

Author:Thomas Buddington [Send Author Email]

May 28, 2001
Description:"Seizure Log" is an applet/database that is designed to be a rapid data collection tool for use in recording observed and reported seizures. It is intended for both para-professional/allied health AND families with loved ones suffering from seizures/epilepsy. Has TONS of data in the pull-down menus&text boxes that can be used for rapid, accurate identification and recording of seizure attributes/manifestations for use in reporting the information to doctors/clinicians/caregivers. Features include automatic time-stamping of a seizure "start time" when you create a record so you can go immediately to describing the event once the person is made safe; it offers an easy selection of "seizure end time" AND automatically calculates the duration of the seizure. It can help you describe a seizure (with incredible detail)even when your thought processes are operated on by stress/excitement of the moment. Data was pulled from many numerous authoritative medical journals and epilepsy resources. *Update 1.2 contains some field re-alignments, spelling corrections, and removal of a few duplicate entries from pull-down menus.
Has Data:Yes
Has Forms:No
Filters:Yes: by date, duration of seizure, seizure reported or observed directly.
Sorting:Yes: by all funds/sources of information.
Reports:Yes: reports can be run on seizure durations, dates (of ocurrence), seizure start or end times, number of times seizure was directly observed or reported.
Comments:As a social worker with 38 developmentally disabled clients, I have observed a great many seizures over the years. It was not until my son was diagnosed with possible epilepsy that I began looking the world-over for a tool that allows one to accurately and rapidly record seizure events---I came up with nothing (there was nothing out there). I found this astonishing especially in light of the fact that diagnosing of Epilepsy is heavily predicated on family history and observation/reporting of seizure events, not to mention that treatment of the condition is even more predicated on the type of seizure based on descriptions of manifestations of the event. This tool was intended to eliminate that resource defecit. It may be the only tool/applet out anywhere like it. *Feedback&suggestions are entirely welcome&encouraged&updates will occur & will include relevant suggestions.
Version:HanDBase v.2.7x or greater
File:seizure_log1.2.pdb          Downloads: This Month 43 / Total* 2031
Note:MAC Users will need to enter the filename seizure_log1.2.pdb when saving this file.
* since October 1, 2000.

Other Titles from Thomas Buddington

05/13/2001 Medical Visits Log [Medical]
An enhanced medical visits log database that is useful for casemanagers, parents, & anyone wanting or needing a rapid way of collecting comprehensive information about a medical visit, diagnostic test, consultation, etc..